Marilyn Monroe

I’ve always been fascinated with this lady because I feel so bad for her. Beyond her beauty lay a truly tortured soul. She was really very insecure and the person she put forth to the public was not even her she said, but an act she made up. Once the cameras turned off, the smile disappeared and the loneliness began. She always wanted to be a movie star but this was a classic case of getting what she wanted turning out not to heal what was inside. She had very few real friends at all. (I’ve read a couple of very good books about her).

I also don’t believe that her death was a suicide. I think it was an accidental overdose. She took lots of tranquilizers that were given out so freely at the time and she suffered horrible insomnia and was taking powerful sleeping medication every night. These medications are not even prescribed anymore (or rarely) because of their danger. She also drank lots of champagne which was the drink of her choice. She did all these things together many times and I think she just took too many one night. She loved to write in her diary and loved to write poetry and I feel that she would have left a note if she had intentionally killed herself.

“If I’m genrally anything, I guess I’m generally miserable.” –Marilyn Monroe

About gatito2

My name is Rhonda. I'm a registered nurse, for the last 20 years, that has not been able to work since the day I learned of my daughter's death by suicide 4-12-13. (She actually died 4-11-13 and her body was not found until the 12th) Me and my husband have been married for 32 years and he's a wonderful man. We grieve in different ways. He works, I write. This is my journey through this horrible land of losing a child..
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